Tips On How To Best Escape A Fire
Fires happen each and every day across the country and that is why it is so vital to stay proactive when it comes to having a definitive plan for escaping a fire. For example, one of the most basic elements of any fire safety plan is to have working smoke detectors throughout a home or business. This is actually part of the overall fire escape plan that should never be overlooked.
Never Ignore A Smoke Alarm
The smoke detector is typically the device that will initiate an escape. In addition to having a working smoke detector it is always important to heed any warnings made by a detector. In short, never ignore a smoke alarm or fire alarm once it has activated. Even if smoke or fire is not present, an alarm warning should be treated with the respect that it deserves. It is far better to evacuate a building unnecessarily than it is to become trapped in a burning structure.
Always Feel A Door Prior To Opening
When developing a fire escape plan it is best to have a definitive escape route in mind at all times. Have access to unobstructed exits out of each and every room in the home. Planning well in advance in this regard and talking with family members is an excellent way to increase overall home safety. When a fire is in progress it is essential to feel a door prior to opening the door. If there is evidence of heat on the door it may be necessary to find an alternate escape route. When transiting a doorway it is equally important to close the door behind you as a way to prevent the propagation of fire.
Falling From A Second Story Window
On multistory buildings it is recommended by experts to have a plan in place on how to reach the ground safely. There are many devices available today that can be installed on second-story levels to make egress safe. Escaping from a fire to avoid injury only to be injured by falling from a second story window or higher should be avoided. Families preparing an escape strategy or escape plan should have an established meeting place already selected. Meeting outdoors away from smoke and fire should always be a top priority. Contact Hastings & Hastings today for Phoenix Arizona personal injury legal representation.