Things To Consider After Having Been Involved In A Motorcycle Accident
The traumatic experience of being involved in a motorcycle accident that involves injuries and damage can be long lasting. Along with this fact, there are a few important steps that should be taken anytime a motorcycle accident has occurred. Even those involved in scooter accidents should follow these important guidelines in order to minimize the trauma associated with a motorcycle or scooter accident in Phoenix Arizona.
Taking Photographs
The damage and personal injury that typically occurs when a motorcycle or scooter accident happens often requires the assistance of personal injury attorneys. With that said, helping legal professionals make the best case possible with regard to injuries and damage that were no fault of the injured party typically requires doing a few simple things. For example, taking photographs at the accident scene of a damaged motorcycle along with any injuries they may have suffered can become important and valuable evidence. Especially in any trial or out-of-court settlement.
Keep The Motorcycle That Has Been Damaged
It is also essential to gather all insurance information from the other party and any witnesses who may have been present. This includes collecting names, phone numbers and addresses as well as insurance information for each individual present at the scene. Another key strategy often overlooked with regard to filing a motorcycle accident claim is to keep the motorcycle that has been damaged. This important piece of evidence can be used in any negotiations or trial. Preserving a motorcycle in the exact condition it was in at the time of the accident can prove valuable in gaining a successful settlement or recovery.
Investigators Or Even Insurance Companies
Most importantly, those involved in a motorcycle accident or scooter accident should plan to meet with a professional personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. This is especially true with regard to making statements to newspapers, investigators or even insurance companies. Any of these actions can serve to harm a personal injury claim. While personal injury law is different in each state, working with an Arizona personal injury firm such as Hastings and Hastings can go a long way in helping injury victims recover losses. Contact Hastings and Hastings today to schedule a free initial consultation with an attorney if you have been involved in some type of Phoenix motorcycle accident that resulted in injury.