August 24, 2017
Hastings and Hastings
Minors have no say over legal matters due to their age. While in many cases, this means parents are responsible for making decisions, the court will often step in and make sure a child's best interest is protected when it comes to settling a personal injury case. This can add time and expense onto...
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August 14, 2017
Hastings and Hastings
The expenses that go along with vehicular accidents is enormous. And while a lot of people don't know this, taxpayers actually foot the bill on many auto repair costs that is incurred by vehicles belonging to the city, county, and state. After many years of service within the several practice areas of law, it...
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July 6, 2017
Hastings and Hastings
After being in a car accident that wasn't your fault and losing time at work, victims can often feel overwhelmed and anxious about their finances. If this has happened to you, it's important to file a wage loss claim. To do this successfully, there are some things you need to know. For starters, what is considered lost...
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June 19, 2017
Hastings and Hastings
When a client has been in a car accident and is seeking damages, a frequently asked question is, "How long will it take to settle my case?". That depends since there are two ways to resolve a personal injury case: settlement out of court or verdict at trial. The first step towards settling a...
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June 1, 2017
Hastings and Hastings
Social media allows us to stay in contact with whoever we want whenever we want and where ever we want, and that means while we're driving, too. For the newest generations raised in a world dominated by social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, staying updated and keeping everyone else updated can become...
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