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How to File a Claim for a Workplace Brain Injury

June 26, 2023 Legal Team
Workplace brain injuries can cause severe long-term effects on an individual's health and may require ongoing medical treatment. To be financially protected and receive appropriate compensation from your workplace, it's essential to know how to file a claim for a workplace injury. Notify Your Employer and File a Claim Within The Deadline Time is...
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How Much is My Brain Injury Case Worth?

June 26, 2023 Legal Team
Brain injuries can have a significant impact on an individual's life, causing physical, cognitive, and emotional harm. If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury due to someone else's negligence, it's natural to wonder how much your brain injury case is worth. Understanding more about brain injuries and the process can...
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What To Do if You Were Injured as a Passenger in a Car Crash

May 30, 2023 Legal Team
Car accidents are an all-too-common occurrence, and they can be especially distressing when you're a passenger who's been injured through no fault of your own. If you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, it's essential to know the steps to take to ensure your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you...
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What Are the “100 Deadliest Days” For Teen Drivers?

May 15, 2023 Legal Team
As we approach the summer months, it's crucial for parents to be aware of the increased risks associated with teen drivers during this time of year. Dubbed the "100 Deadliest Days," the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day sees a significant rise in fatal crashes involving teen drivers. Parents and guardians need to...
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What To Know About Arizona’s Lane Filtering Laws

May 1, 2023 Legal Team
Traffic congestion during peak hours is a daily reality for most motorists on America's highways. Motorcyclists are no exception, and they have devised a technique to avoid stop-and-go traffic: lane filtering. This technique entails riding between stopped vehicles. Lane filtering has become increasingly common in the US, with several states legalizing it as a...
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