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Parental Liability in Arizona: What To Do if Your Child Crashes Your Car

April 30, 2023 Legal Team
As a parent, it is crucial to understand parental obligations regarding legal issues. Over the past decade, the liability of parents in Arizona auto accidents involving minors has been in the spotlight. When a minor causes an accident, parents who own the car are almost certainly liable and can face a personal injury lawsuit....
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The Aftermath of a Hit-and-Run Accident

April 29, 2023 Legal Team
Being in an automobile accident can shake anyone up. However, it can be especially traumatic when the person responsible for the accident flees before exchanging information or rendering aid. If you find yourself in this situation in Phoenix, AZ, there are steps you can take to protect your rights and seek compensation. Hit and...
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The Most Dangerous Times for Motorcyclists: When Not to Ride

April 28, 2023 Legal Team
Riding motorcycles can provide an exciting experience, but it also presents a significant risk, as motorcyclists are more susceptible to fatal accidents. In 2021, there were 5,932 motorcycle fatalities in the US, the highest number since 1975.  Motorcycles are smaller and more difficult to be seen, making them more vulnerable to crashes on the...
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What Happens After a Rental Car Accident?

April 27, 2023 Legal Team
Following a rental car accident, one of the first things you need to know is whether you have rental car insurance or other coverage for an accident. You may be covered by the following: Rental Car Insurance Even if you cause an accident while driving a rental car, the insurance will pay the damage...
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What To Do if a Faulty Bike Part Caused Your Accident

April 26, 2023 Legal Team
Riding a bicycle is a great way to exercise, commute, and explore the outdoors. However, bikes are not immune to defects and safety issues that can cause severe injuries to riders. Thousands of people are injured yearly due to recalled bicycle products that should have been fixed or removed from the market. If you...
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