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Safe Driving Plans for Thanksgiving Holiday

November 15, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching and more people will be on the road heading to their favorite holiday destinations. During these holiday travel seasons, the number of accidents increases, both due to the larger amount of traffic and the fact many people are driving in unfamiliar territory. However, there are steps you can take to...
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Vehicle Safety And Accident Prevention Through Technology

September 29, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
Here at Hastings & Hastings, we have been diligently protecting the rights of accident victim in Arizona for over 35 years. We believe in taking a client-focused approach to personal injury law. This philosophy is what gave birth to out legendary Discount Accident Fee. David Hastings, the founder of Hastings & Hastings believed that...
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Arizona State University’s Sandra Day O’Connor Opens Downtown Phoenix Campus

September 27, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
Hastings & Hastings is widely considered to be a Phoenix institution. Founded in 1979 by David Hastings, who graduated just two hours south of here in Tucson, Arizona, from the University of Arizona James E. Rodgers College of Law, Hastings & Hastings has grown along with the great city of Phoenix. David Hastings founded...
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Back To School Safety

September 24, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
All we had to do was blink, and summer was over. It seems as if summer break is getting shorter and shorter every year. In some ways, this is a good thing. It means we have less time to worry about keeping our kids entertained day in and day out. However, the back-to-school season...
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Safety Tips for Runners (Part Two)

September 22, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
Welcome back to the Hastings & Hastings blog. Today, we are offering you part two in our series on safety tips for runners. While some of us would do practically everything in our power to avoid running, even accidently, for more than a step or two, there are many people out there who run...
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