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3 Mistakes to Avoid Following an Accident

March 28, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
Getting into a car crash can be one of the most stressful experienced in your life. One second, your day is going along just like normal. The next second, everything changes. There are a thousand things you suddenly have to worry about. Are you okay? Are the other drivers okay? How is your car?...
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The Facts Surrounding Teen Drivers

March 27, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
It is understandable for parents of teen drivers to be full of anxiety and worry as their children begin to learn the rules of the road. Motor vehicle crashes are almost always the leading cause of death for teens in the United States. In 2013 alone, 2,163 individuals between the ages of 16-19 were...
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7 Dangerous Driving Habits (Part Three)

March 26, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
With every blog, we are learning to be safer drivers. By eliminating dangerous driving habits, we make the road safer for everyone on it, not just ourselves. Over the last two blogs, we have checked off 5 very dangerous driving habits. We have emphasized the importance or yielding properly, of wearing a seatbelt, and...
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7 Dangerous Driving Habits (Part Two)

March 25, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
Today we will continue our look at dangerous driving habits. In our last post, we illustrated the importance of driving the speed limit and properly maintaining your tires. Staying safe on the road is all about reducing risk factors. You want to do everything in your power to create as safe an environment as...
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7 Dangerous Driving Habits (Part One)

March 24, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
Over 30,000 Americans die every year in car accidents. These tragic incidents can be caused by a wide range of factors. Driving is an inherently dangerous act. Even when we take every safety precaution possible, accidents still happen. When we can do, is drive as safely as possible while promoting safe driving habits. Changing...
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