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6 Cunning and Essential Negotiation Tactics (Part Two)

March 23, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
Welcome back to our serious of blogs on cunning and essential negotiation tactics. These are skills which could benefit you across many walks of life. If you are hired on at a new job and are entering into salary talks, you can rely on these negotiation tactics. If you are purchasing a new car...
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6 Cunning and Essential Negotiation Tactics (Part One)

March 22, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
If you have ever watched a legal television show, you have probably seen a sharp, savvy lawyer enter into a negotiation with some unsuspecting individuals and begin to systematically dismantle them. These types of stories have created a sense of mystique around the legal profession. They would make you believe every lawyer is a...
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4 “Don’ts” for a Better 2016

March 21, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
“Do’s” and “don’ts”, two sides of a single coin. In our last blog, we gave you four pieces of advice, four “do’s” to help you improve your 2016. It today’s blog, we will look at improving your 2016 from the other side. Eliminating bad habits and make a profound impact on your life! In...
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4 “Do’s” for a Better 2016

March 20, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
We are always working to improve our lives. We want to be more successful, healthier, safer, and better prepared for all the crazy, strange, and unexpected things life throws at us. The nature of unexpected things makes them difficult to prepare for! All you can do is do your best. As part of doing...
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4 Things that make Arizona Unique

March 19, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
Even before we ousted the British in 1776, Americans were full of a fierce, provincial spirit. Not much has changed to this day. Americans remain a proud people, who are unabashedly proud of where we live. This is true even on a state level. What are we most proud of here in Arizona? Why...
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