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Learning about Famous American Quotes: Part One

March 8, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
There is nothing quite like a good quote to stir the imagination, rouse enthusiasm, and boost morale. If you are ever feeling down or confused or unmotivated sometimes a quote can turn your mood right around. Today in the Hastings & Hastings blog, we are going to learn about a few famous American quotes...
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Exploring Arizona Laws

March 7, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
Every year thousands of new laws are passed all across America. Some of these are federal laws, wide-ranging pieces of legislation that affect nearly everyone in the country. Others are state laws which affect one the individuals living in the states in which the specific laws were passed. State laws can often be interesting...
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5 Smartphone Apps for Lawyers (Part Two)

March 6, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
Modern technology has had a transformative impact on nearly every major industry in the world. Even thousand-year-old professionals like carpentry have been affected by the technological renaissance. The legal profession has been no exception. Gone are the days of dusty legal libraries and paperwork stacked 5 feet high (now it is only stacked 2...
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5 Smartphone Apps for Lawyers (Part One)

March 5, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
In our last blog post, we explored a few smartphone apps which can improve your day-to-day life by helping you save gas and avoid tickets. Today we are going to continue our look at game changing smartphone apps, but our focus will be with those that may have an impact on the legal field....
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Life-Change Smartphone Apps for Drivers

March 4, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
It really does seem like there is a smartphone app for everything. If you navigate over to the apps store on your smartphone, you will be able to browse through hundreds of thousands of apps. There are apps that help you track your fitness, apps that track your finances, apps that make silly noises,...
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