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About Driving While under the Influence of Alcohol.

February 9, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
Hastings & Hastings is your Arizona top rated injury law firm Our team of top-rated, experienced Phoenix personal injury lawyers and wrongful death lawyers in Phoenix have more than 90 years of combined legal experience. Hiring our team of Five Star accident lawyers in Phoenix is one of the most important decisions you can make. We handle all...
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A Few Frivolous and Silly lawsuits (Part 2)

February 8, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
The American legal system has been carefully designed so that everyone has an equal opportunity to defend their rights. The court system sees an incredible number of cases each and every year. Often these cases can be complex and difficult to rule on. Other time, these lawsuits may be completely, and utterly frivolous. Let’s...
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A Few Frivolous and Silly lawsuits (Part 1)

February 7, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
These days, it seems like people will sue over anything. Some individuals have a hair trigger when to comes to firing off lawsuits. Whether they are overreacting to some perceived slight, or legitimately trying to defend their rights yes seeking ludicrous compensation, these lawsuits couldn’t be described as anything but frivolous and silly. Let’s...
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Learning about Cars: How does Gas Work?

February 6, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
As far as most people are concerned, cars might as well be magic. You put the key in the ignition, give it a twist, and the engine roars to life. We all know that gas makes our cars go, but do we know how? Do we know how these metal and plastic machines turn...
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Hastings & Hastings Essential Tips for Improving Gas Mileages

February 5, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
Everyone wants to save money. Even billionaires like Warren Buffet cite frugality and smart spending as two of the primary reasons they have achieved such astounding success. Every cent matters! For most of us, gassing up our car is an unavoidable expense. The best thing we can do with a cost that is unavoidable,...
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