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Guide to Accident Scene Photography

January 24, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. When it comes to personal injury lawsuits and getting to the bottom of an accident, a few pictures can be worth much more than that. Pictures can be worth thousands of dollars. As always, your primary concern at the scene of an accident should...
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Basic Dog Park Etiquette (Part Two)

January 23, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
You might be thinking to yourself, “we need two blogs to cover dog part etiquette?! What is this, a fancy dinner party?!” Well, a visit to the dog park is a few degrees less formal, but involves even more chaos and moving parts. Keeping things under control requires rules, both formal and informal. By...
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Basic Dog Park Etiquette (Part One)

January 22, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
If you have ever taken your dog to the dog park, you know what a wild and crazy place it can be. Humans and animals alike circle and play in a maelstrom of fur and fun. Unfortunately, sometimes things can get out of hand. Dog bites do occur at the dog park. Often, it...
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The Warning Signs of Drowsy Driving

January 21, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
We have made it through the holiday season. Barley. It was exhausting that is for sure. Now it is time to recover. You have earned some rest and relaxation. Did you know that in the few weeks following the holiday season, from January 2-14, we actually see a small spike in accident frequency? A...
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Building your own Roadside Emergency Kit

January 20, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
No one ever thinks they are going to be involved in a roadside emergency. However, sometimes emergencies do happen. An accident may be unavoidable. Every vehicle should have a roadside emergency kit prepared should a worst case scenario occur. A well-stocked emergency kit will give you peace of mind. It could make a difference...
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