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Famous Highways and Roads from across the World (Part One)

January 13, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
These days, driving is an integral part of human life. We drive on diverse roads, highways, freeways, streets, and bridges. Some of these drives are more interesting, exciting, or even breathtaking than others. Some roads in the world are impressive marvels of human engineering and ingenuity. For the next few blogs, we will look...
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Avoiding Distraction: When Danger Comes From Inside

January 12, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
It has been cover ad nauseam, but distracted driving is very dangerous. According to the National Highway and Traffic Safety Association, it is just as dangerous as driving under the influence. The world is a busy place and distractions always seem to be encroaching. We have already spent plenty of time discussing the dangers...
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4 Common Road Hazards

January 11, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
One of the most common causes car accidents are road hazards. By learning about common road hazards and how they contribute to accidents, we can hopefully learn how to best avoid them. Spotting hazards ahead of time is almost always your best option. You should also practice defensive driving, while sticking to the speed...
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Staying Safe on the way to School

January 10, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
School safety is always an important topic of conversation. We want to do everything in our power to keep our young ones safe while giving them every opportunity to learn and grown. Just as important as staying safe while in school is staying safe while travelling to school. Did you know that nearly 150,000...
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Tips for Keeping New Year’s Resolutions (Part Three)

January 9, 2016 Hastings and Hastings
That is right, more advice for keeping your New Year’s Resolution. One thing is for sure, if you are not successful this year, you won’t have Hastings & Hastings to blame! This is going to round out our series on keeping New Year’s Resolutions. The rest of it is going to be up to...
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