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Learning about Cars: Exploring Classification

December 14, 2015 Hastings and Hastings
Previously, we have discussed the importance of purchasing a car that fits your specific needs. Knowing your needs is easy enough. Who knows your life better than you? If you are not intimately familiar with all the different types of cars, knowing what vehicle actually fits your needs may be a little more difficult....
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Helpful Hints for Car Shopping

December 13, 2015 Hastings and Hastings
We have been talking a lot this month about the ins and outs of the insurance industry. We have talked about shopping around for coverage and minimizing costs. Well, what good is all that information if you don’t even own a car! Today we will go over some helpful hints you should keep in...
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How you can Reduce Your Insurance Costs

December 12, 2015 Hastings and Hastings
Ultimately, you want to be able to minimize your insurance costs while maintaining an optimal level of protection. This can be a delicate balance. You do not want to sacrifice elements of insurance coverage that could come back to harm you in the long run. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to minimize costs...
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What is Umbrella Coverage and how can it Protect Me?

December 11, 2015 Hastings and Hastings
Well, that is an excellent question. Umbrella insurance is one of the lesser known types of insurance coverages. In many situations, it may also be one of the most important form of coverage you can have. You should familiarize yourself with umbrella coverage and decided if it is right for you. What is Umbrella...
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Shopping for Car Insurance

December 10, 2015 Hastings and Hastings
Car insurance is a necessity, however, paying a high price for coverage does not have to be. It is recommended that you reevaluate your insurance coverage on an annual basis. There are many factors that interacting and ultimately determining your costs. Some of these factors, like your driving record and your vehicle type are...
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