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Exploring Democracy through the Ages: A Birthplace in Athens

December 9, 2015 Hastings and Hastings
This may come as a shock to many Americans, but democracy existed long before our country was founded. In fact, democracy has existed in some form or another for several thousand years. Early societies which practiced democratic ideas but lacked standardized governmental control have been called primitive, or tribal democracies. Modern, democracy, as it...
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Common Types of Car Accidents

December 8, 2015 Hastings and Hastings
Like people and snowflakes, car accidents come in all shapes, sizes, and levels of severity. Learning about the different types of car accidents can help us understand safe driving habits. It can teach us what we should avoid when we are driving, what we should focus on, and help us discover where we face...
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What to do at the Scene of a Crash

December 7, 2015 Hastings and Hastings
An accident is always a shocking and stressful event. Following a collision, your body fills with adrenaline and it becomes difficult to focus. In the moments immediately following in accident, you need to keep your wits about you. For most people, this is very hard, but not for you, because you are going to...
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Improving Home Safety by Reducing Fire Risk

December 6, 2015 Hastings and Hastings
As we head into winter and dive directly into the holiday season, we also enter peak home fire season. Every year, home fires cause billions of dollars in damages and cost thousands of innocent lives. These disasters are always tragic and often avoidable. Reduce your risk of experience a home fire by following or...
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Learning about Your Duty: Serving on a Jury

December 5, 2015 Hastings and Hastings
Our criminal justice system is built upon the principle that everyone who has been accused of a crime has the right to argue their case in front of a jury of their peers. In fact, this right is set forth by the Bill of Rights and appears as the Sixth Amendment to the United...
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