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Learning about Common Car Accident Injuries

December 4, 2015 Hastings and Hastings
Even minor car accidents can cause injuries. Human bodies are complex and delicately balanced things. The tremendous forces involved in low speed car accidents can cause subtle, long lasting, and catastrophic damage. Following an accident, it is important to contact both legal and healthcare professionals. This isn’t just about protecting your body today, it...
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The Benefits of Using Public Transportation

December 3, 2015 Hastings and Hastings
Phoenix is no New York City in terms of public transportation, but many people would be surprised by how robust our public transportation system really is. In fact, thousands of individuals depend entirely on public transportation, not just to get to and from work, but to get anywhere. In many ways, you may be...
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Diving into Dog Bites

December 2, 2015 Hastings and Hastings
America is dog crazy. If we are not careful, dogs may outnumber humans in the near future, which might not actually be a bad thing! With hundreds of thousands of dogs out there, it is important to know how to act around dogs you don’t know. It is also good to know what steps...
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Learning About Traffic Lanes

November 30, 2015 Hastings and Hastings
Traffic lanes are not as simple as they first appear. When you start off driving, at the young innocent age of 16, you see two lanes of traffic; one going one way, another going the opposite. That may be the case for some simple roads, but often it can get much more complicated. You...
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Drowsy Driving is Bad, so How do We Avoid it?

November 29, 2015 Hastings and Hastings
We all know the dangers of drowsy driving. It slows your reaction time, impairs your decision making, and makes it difficult to focus on the road. Driving drowsy leads to accidents and costs lives. Avoiding drowsy driving is simple. All you have to do is get enough sleep. However, there is a catch. If...
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