October 21, 2015
Hastings and Hastings
No one likes getting a parking ticket. It seems like a minor violation and usually comes with a major cost. No one can ever get out of them, I mean, the no-parking sign is usually right there! Well, an Ohio resident named Andrea Cammelleri recently had her parking ticket thrown out in the Ohio...
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October 20, 2015
Hastings and Hastings
Human beings have a lot of internal organs. Big surprise, right? Some of them are more important than others. We are all born with gallbladders, yet doctors find that removing this strange little thing causes no observable health problems. Most of us are also born with brains. Unfortunately, doctors have found that removing the...
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October 19, 2015
Hastings and Hastings
Children who are not properly secured in a correctly installed car seat are over 5 times more likely to be fatally injured in a car accident then those who are. Car seats are miraculous devices. There is no better way to keep your child safe when traveling in a car. However, there is a...
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October 18, 2015
Hastings and Hastings
If you have been involved in an auto accident and your car has been badly damaged, you are likely about to enter into a protracted insurance process. Whether it is your insurance or that of another driver, someone is going to have to pay to cover the damages; whoever does that is going to...
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October 17, 2015
Hastings and Hastings
Modern, technologically advanced cars are amazing. Drivers can stream music, communicate using Bluetooth, receive constant up-to-date traffic information, learn about the quickest and most efficient routes, and never lose touch with the world. Computers provide constant and in-depth information about their car. They help you park and tell you when to get an oil...
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