September 15, 2015
Hastings and Hastings
So what is a citation and why would anyone need to know what common citations are? Well in the context of what we will be talking about today a “citation” is just a fancy term for the word ticket. Not the cool type of ticket, like one to a Suns game, but that bad...
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September 14, 2015
Hastings and Hastings states “Did you know that traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for American teens? And when it comes to distracted driving, young people are among the most likely to text and talk behind the wheel.” Distracted driving accounts for thousands of deaths every year, and has been created to help...
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September 13, 2015
Hastings and Hastings
Distracted driving may seem like a minor problem to most people; however the most recent statistics gathered state that during 2013, 3,154 people were killed in accidents involving a distracted driver, and 424,000 people were injured in incidents involving a distracted driver. Without proper education and prevention, it is possible that these numbers will...
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September 12, 2015
Hastings and Hastings
It is easy to take your car for granted. To accept it as a given, a standard part of normal every day life. It does so much work for you. It drives you to work, to the grocery store, to the coffee shop, to the baseball game, and to the movie theatre. It gets...
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September 11, 2015
Hastings and Hastings
We share our roads with all different kinds of vehicles, from MINI Coopers, Smart Cars, Motorcycles, Honda Civics, Ford F150s to gigantic, massive semi-trailer trucks, or more simply, semis. Semis are basically the biggest thing we will ever see out on the road. They are dangerous, intimidating, but also extremely important. They form the...
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