September 10, 2015
Hastings and Hastings
The phrase “pound per square inch” (PSI) has been thrown around a lot recently on the news and in the media, usually attached to one specific controversial figure – Tom Brady. So what are “pounds per square inch?” What exactly do they have to do with footballs? Why does this term seem so familiar?...
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September 9, 2015
Hastings and Hastings
The average car driving on our American streets weighs in at over 4,000 pounds. 4,021 pounds to be exact. All 4,021 pounds weighs directly down on your car’s poor, old, overworked tires. They are doing a lot of work so it is important to take care of them. Tire pressure needs to be checked...
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September 8, 2015
Hastings and Hastings
The world is a big place and it is full of a lot of people. A lot, a lot of people. Nearly 7.3 billion people to be precise. And this number is only growing. In fact, this number is set to grow to nearly 11 billion by the year 2100. This is a growth...
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September 7, 2015
Hastings and Hastings
Arizona, one of the most unique states in the nation, also features one of the nation’s most unique weather phenomena – the monsoon. It is almost impossible to spend time in Arizona during the months of June, July, August, or September without witnessing one of these strange and awe-inspiring weather events. They bring true...
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September 6, 2015
Hastings and Hastings
Finding Mr. or Mrs. Perfect is a dream come true. Couples date, fall in love, see a future together and decide to get married. Their lives are now joined together, not just in love, but also in the eyes of the law. This can have some unexpected and unplanned implications. They say love can...
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