September 5, 2015
Hastings and Hastings
The world of car insurance can be very confusing. Most people pay hundreds or thousands of dollars a year to protect themselves with insurance, yet they don’t even know what they are really paying for. Car insurance policies are covered in strange terms and incomprehensible phrases. What is my deductible? What is my premium?...
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September 4, 2015
Hastings and Hastings
Cars are incredibly complex machines. They are also incredibly valuable. Most people are absolutely reliant on their cars for transportation to work, school, soccer practice, grandma’s house, or even vacation. The last thing anyone wants is to have their car break down. Repairs are expensive and your way of life is almost always affected....
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September 3, 2015
Hastings and Hastings
Two hands, left and right. Years ago, it was thought that left-handed people were possessed by the devil. We now consider this untrue. Especially since a hefty share of the world drives on the left hand of the road and are thus inclined to left-handedness. In America it is a given that we always...
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September 2, 2015
Hastings and Hastings
According to the National Safety Council, over 10 million accidents occur every year. The average driver is involved in an accident approximately once every 17.9 years. Most of these collisions are minor; bumps and scrapes in grocery store parking lots or fender benders at stop signs. Maybe if we equip ourselves with a little...
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September 1, 2015
Hastings and Hastings
The legal and medical professions extensively use terms derived from Latin. These obscure and foreign terms may seem incomprehensible, but there’s no need to be intimidated by a statement like argumentum ad hominen(argument against the man), or a phrase like habeus corpus (give us the body). A brief glance at legal Latin ought to...
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