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Cymbalta Users Beware

July 21, 2015 Hastings and Hastings
In August of 2004, the FDA approved of the drug Cymbalta to treat depression. Cymbalta is a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) which functions by managing certain brain chemical associated with mental stability. The drug was later found to treat other conditions such as: anxiety, muscle pain, urinary incontinence, stress, and even diabetic neuropathy. The...
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The Difference between British and American English

July 20, 2015 Hastings and Hastings
Learning another language can be a difficult, seemingly impossible endeavor a times. The subtle intricacies of languages can be tough to grasp: Chinese and the honorific case, pronouncing French, German articles, Russian case system, Latin declensions, and in English, prepositions. Indeed, the most common complaint from foreigners is the difficulty grasping our metaphorical, abstract...
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Remembering, Diomedes—Ancient Greek Hero

July 19, 2015 Hastings and Hastings
Nowadays, the word hero has been devalued. A teacher who takes extra time with a student, a man who bears a 9-5 to support his family, and a kid who says no to drugs are all labeled heroes. But, this word was reserved to describe only the most excellent examples of honor, chivalry, and...
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Aid in Dying Bill Passes the California Senate

July 17, 2015 Hastings and Hastings
California, which vaunts the 8th largest economy in the entire world, just passed a bill through the state senate clearing assisted deaths for terminally ill adults with less than six months to live. The “End of Life Option Act” cleared the California senate with a 23-to-14 decision, and now it will make its way...
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On the Defense of Self-Driving Cars

July 16, 2015 Hastings and Hastings
Google will be launching a fleet of self-driving cars this summer, suggesting that the visions of Aldus Huxley’s Brave New World may be nearer than he conjectured. Indeed, self-driving cars will hit public streets this summer, indicating that the mass production and use of self-driving cars is not too far away. But the biggest...
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