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Buckeye, AZ Truck Accident Attorney

If you have been involved in a truck accident in Buckeye, AZ, Hastings & Hastings is here to provide you with a sense of security and support. Our experienced Buckeye truck accident attorneys will fight for your rights and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.  Contact us today for a free consultation and take the first step towards recovery.

Why Choose Hastings & Hastings

When it comes to truck accident cases in Buckeye, AZ, Hastings & Hastings is a standout choice. Our commitment to exceptional service and dedication to our clients sets us apart from the competition. Here is why:

  • Free Consultation: Speak directly with an experienced truck accident attorney at no cost.
  • No Win, No Fee: We only charge legal fees if we win your case.
  • Proven Track Record: Over 90 years of combined legal experience and numerous successful settlements.
  • Client Satisfaction: Hundreds of positive reviews from verified clients.

Our law firm’s accolades and extensive experience make us the top choice for truck accident cases in Buckeye, AZ.

Understanding Truck Accident Cases in Arizona

Due to their size and weight, truck accidents are often more complex and severe than regular car accidents. Victims may suffer significant injuries, leading to extensive medical bills, lost wages, and long-term rehabilitation.

Truck accident claims often involve multiple parties, adding to their complexity. Furthermore, trucking companies and their insurers are typically skilled at minimizing the amount they have to pay for accident claims.

Therefore, experienced legal representation is essential in truck accident claims. Studies show that claimants represented by skilled Buckeye injury lawyers recover significantly more compensation.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

A truck accident can occur for various reasons, including:

  • Driver Fatigue: Drivers spending long hours on the road without adequate rest.
  • Distracted Driving: Using a phone, eating, or other distractions while driving.
  • Improper Maintenance: Failure to properly maintain the truck.
  • Overloaded Trucks: Exceeding weight limits, leading to mechanical failures.
  • Speeding: Driving too fast for road conditions.

Understanding the cause is crucial for establishing liability for a truck accident. An experienced Buckeye truck accident attorney can investigate these causes to build a strong case for compensation.

How Liability for a Truck Accident is Established in Arizona

In Arizona, liability for a truck accident can be assigned to multiple parties, including:

  • The truck driver
  • The trucking company
  • Truck’s manufacturer; or even
  • Third-party contractors.

Establishing liability for a truck accident involves proving negligence, which requires showing that the defendant owed you a duty of care, breached that duty, and caused your injuries. An experienced truck accident lawyer can conduct a thorough investigation to identify every liable party.

Compensation for a Truck Accident

Victims of truck accidents in Arizona can recover various types of compensation, including:

  • Medical Expenses: The cost of medical treatment, medications, and rehabilitation.
  • Lost Wages: Compensation for income lost due to the injury.
  • Pain and Suffering: Monetary relief for physical and emotional distress.
  • Property Damage: Reimbursement for damaged property.

Arizona follows a comparative negligence rule (A.R.S. § 12-2505), meaning that even if you are party is partially at fault, you can still recover damages. However, your damages may be reduced by your percentage of fault. An experienced attorney is essential in navigating these complexities and ensuring you receive fair compensation.

The Statute of Limitations for Truck Accident Claims in Arizona

In Arizona, a truck accident claim must be filed within two years from the date of the accident (A.R.S. § 12-542). If you miss this deadline, you may be barred from bringing a lawsuit in court.

Certain circumstances can shorten or lengthen this timeframe, underscoring the need to consult with a knowledgeable truck accident attorney. In addition, you should initiate an insurance claim as soon as possible to address your immediate needs and allow time to negotiate a settlement before a lawsuit must be filed.

How Hastings & Hastings Can Help

Hastings & Hastings offers comprehensive legal support for truck accident cases in Buckeye, AZ. Our services include:

  • A Thorough Case Evaluation: To understand the details of your case and devise a strategic approach.
  • Negotiation with the Insurance Companies: To ensure you receive fair compensation.
  • Litigation Support: We will be prepared to represent you in court if necessary
  • Discounted Fees: Our discounted fee structure means more compensation for you.

By choosing Hastings & Hastings, you are getting more than just legal representation. You are getting the expertise and experience of our Buckeye truck accident attorneys, which significantly increases your chances of securing the maximum compensation you deserve.

Contact Hastings & Hastings for a Truck Accident Lawyer in Buckeye, Arizona

If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident in Buckeye, do not wait to seek legal assistance. Contact Hastings & Hastings today for a free, no-obligation consultation. Our experienced truck accident attorneys are ready to fight for your rights and help you secure the fair compensation you deserve. We are committed to your case and your recovery. Call us today at (480) 706-1100 or visit our website to get started.