Weird Arizona Laws

July 31, 2023 Hastings and Hastings
Every State has a few laws that seem strange or curious to other states. These are usually minor, hyper-specific laws that were made many, many years ago and have very little effect on modern life. And yet, they are still on the book! Most of the time, these laws are not enforced, but it...
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3 Types of Visitors and How They Affect Premises Liability

July 28, 2023 Legal Team
In personal injury law, premises liability is an important matter that often comes into play when injuries occur on someone else's property. In Arizona, property owners and non-owner residents have varying levels of liability under premises liability law, depending on the status of the injured party. Invitees: Highest Standard of Care Invitees are foreseeable...
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What Damages Can Be Recovered for a Spinal Cord Injury?

July 27, 2023 Legal Team
Spinal cord injuries can have life-altering impacts. Fortunately, some of those losses can be recouped in a personal injury claim. Damages awarded in personal injury cases typically fall into three main categories: economic damages, non-economic damages, and punitive damages. Economic Damages Economic damages are monetary losses suffered due to an accident, and can be...
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Which Cities in Arizona Require Bike Helmets?

April 25, 2023 Legal Team
Cycling is an amazing way to stay healthy, reduce your carbon footprint, and explore the beautiful state of Arizona. However, it's essential to keep in mind that cycling, like any other form of transportation, comes with its own set of risks. In fact, cycling accidents can be incredibly dangerous, and even deadly. That's why...
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