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Drug and Alcohol Related Truck Accidents

In America, the rate of traffic accidents caused by intoxication through drugs or alcohol is a scary prospect. Accidents involving drugs and alcohol are usually more severe in nature and can result in increased injury and damage.  The aftermath often includes medical, economic, and legal consequences for all involved. This is especially true in trucking accidents given the size of the vehicle and the presence of cargo and other equipment.

Drug and Alcohol Related Truck Accidents

Risk Factors for Drugs and Alcohol in the Trucking Industry

The trucking industry, with its demanding schedules and long hours on the road, presents unique challenges and risks related to drug and alcohol use. Understanding these risk factors is essential.

High Stress Levels

The high-pressure nature of trucking, including tight deadlines and the responsibility of navigational challenges, often results in elevated stress levels, which can lead to increased substance use as a coping mechanism.

Long Hours and Irregular Schedules

Truckers frequently work long hours and have irregular schedules, which can disrupt sleep patterns and contribute to fatigue, making substance use more appealing as a means to stay awake or unwind.

Isolation and Loneliness

Extended periods away from family and social networks can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, prompting some individuals to turn to drugs or alcohol for solace and companionship.

Accessibility and Peer Influence

The accessibility of substances, coupled with peer influence, can make it easier for truckers to access drugs and alcohol, thereby increasing the risk of substance abuse within the industry.

What To Do After a Truck Accident

No one is in their best frame of mind after an accident, especially when a truck is involved or injuries have occurred. Here are the basic steps for handling a trucking-related accident:

  1. Call 911/Seek Medical Attention: All accidents should be reported to 911. Not all injuries present immediately so medical examination is always recommended.
  2. Photographic Evidence: If possible, take photos of the damage, the road conditions, and any signage that may have contributed to the accident. 
  3. Contact Legal Counsel: After you’ve sought medical attention and ensured a report was filed with the police, contact a Phoenix injury lawyer. They are crucial in determining next steps and guiding you through the process. 

The Benefit of a Personal Injury Lawyer

Accidents involving trucks, especially if you think drugs or alcohol were involved, can quickly become complicated and litigious. An experienced truck accident lawyer can walk you through the process and ensure that your needs are represented fairly. Here’s how they can assist: 

  • Case Consultation: A lawyer will determine whether you have a claim or case to pursue and help in determining which party is liable. 
  • Investigating the Accident: A lawyer can conduct a thorough investigation to gather evidence, including police reports, witness statements, and video footage, to establish the role of substances in the accident.
  • Subpoenaing Records: Legal representation can help obtain important records, such as the truck driver’s medical and employment history, including any previous substance abuse violations.
  • Negotiating with Insurance Companies: An attorney can effectively negotiate with insurance companies to ensure that you receive fair compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages related to the accident.

If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident with a truck driver due to the use of drugs or alcohol, contact us today for a free consultation.