First Aid Basics For Burn Related Injuries
Burn injuries can be particularly dangerous and life threatening to young and old alike. Here are a few basic and important burn related first aid tips worth considering. Perhaps most important of all is to seek out professional medical care and assistance as soon as possible any time a substantial burn has occurred. In the interim, there are some things that individuals can do to lessen the severity and pain of a burn.
Refrain From Applying Ice
For example, cooling a burn with tepid or cool clean water is always one of the best ways to provide immediate care. This should be performed on any burn regardless of the severity or degree of the burn. When flushing a burn with cool clean water it should be done so for a minimum of 10 minutes. Those caring for someone who has been burned should refrain from applying ice to the burn. Home remedies, ointments, cold butter or ice should not be used on a burn.
Brush Away Any Powder
Removing clothing, outerwear or any garments can help to reduce the pain associated with being burned. In addition to reducing pain, taking this important step helps to reduce contact time with items that may be causing the burn. It is also critical to cover the affected area with a try clean towel or cloth. Even a blanket can be used as a way to protect the burn area and reduce pain. When dealing with a chemical burn it is recommended by experts to increase the flushing with clean cool water to at least 20 minutes. Equally important is to brush away any powder or substance that is causing the burn.
Keeping The Simple Fact In Mind
As stated earlier all burns require medical attention making this the top priority. Seeking medical care for any burn that is larger than a few inches in size should be the main concern once the injury has been stabilized. This is especially true for burn victims who are elderly or children who have experienced a serious burn. Burn related accidents happen each and every day across the country and throughout the state of Arizona. Keeping this simple fact in mind, knowing first aid basics with regard to burn related injuries is well worth the time and effort. Contact Hastings & Hastings today to learn more about Phoenix personal injury related legal representation.