Tips For Children Getting On And Off A School Bus
Riding a school bus to school is one of the biggest thrills for children. However, there are some important key safety considerations that must be taken into account for children who routinely ride on a school bus. For example, as a bus arrives at the bus stop children should be taught to stand at least 6 to 8 feet away from the curb. This helps to ensure that children who are playing or bouncing around will not trip, fall or land in front of a bus as it is approaching.
Making Actual Eye Contact
Children should also be instructed never to walk behind a school bus. In addition, making sure the bus driver can see children and adults alike is a good safety precaution. Making actual eye contact with the bus driver and signaling the driver or the driver signaling parents or children can only serve to increase overall levels of safety. Equally important is to ensure that if something is dropped near a bus that children notify the bus driver rather than try to pick up something that has rolled under the bus or near the tires.
Visual Contact With Children
Getting off of the school bus also entails certain safety considerations. For example, as with getting onto a bus, getting off a bus in the safest way possible means that the bus driver always is in visual contact with children. Children should also wait for a signal from the bus driver prior to crossing in front of the bus or crossing a street where the bus is or will be traveling. Children should be taught the importance of staying alert after exiting a school bus.
Proper Behavior When Actually Riding On The Bus
Cars, trucks and motorcycles all sharing the road with a school bus. This is reason enough for children to be extremely alert when exiting a school bus at the end of the day. These simple and important safety guidelines can greatly increase overall safety for children that routinely ride a bus to and from school. Children should also be instructed on proper behavior when actually riding on the bus. Horseplay, or sticking arms out of the windows of the school bus can be hazardous. Contact Hastings & Hastings to learn more about Phoenix personal injury legal assistance that gets results.