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Tow Truck Accidents

We depend on tow trucks to clean up after accidents and transport disabled cars to their destinations. However, tow trucks can occasionally become involved with an already-occurring accident or cause one of their own. When a tow truck becomes involved in an accident, the damages can be devastating. A personal injury attorney is often useful in navigating the aftermath of these accidents.

Tow Truck Accidents

Common Types of Tow Truck Accidents

Accidents involving tow trucks vary in nature and severity. Common types of accidents they may be involved in include:

  • Rear-end collision: One of the most common types of car accidents is a rear-end collision, and tow trucks aren’t immune. These occur when either the tow truck or another driver fails to brake properly and bumps into the other vehicle in front of them. When a tow truck is involved, these can involve more damages or injuries due to the difference in vehicle sizes and the strength of the tow truck.
  • Jackknife: A jackknife accident is rarer and more unique to larger vehicles that are composed of a trailer and a cab. Depending on the model and size of the tow truck, the cabin and the trailer can spin around each other forming a V or L. This often obstructs traffic and can quickly cause an accident with one or more other vehicles. 
  • Side-impact collision: A side-impact collision is where one vehicle strikes another vehicle in the doors, forming a T shape. Tow trucks are sturdy and may not be bothered much by this type of accident, but if they strike another vehicle in the side, the damage can be severe.  

Causes of Tow Truck Accidents

Accidents can occur for any number of reasons. Some of the most common causes of tow truck accidents include: 

  • Road conditions: Tow trucks are often called into extreme weather and road conditions. This increases the risk that they will have an accident. Special care should be taken in icy conditions when first connecting a vehicle to the tow truck. 
  • Driver negligence: As with any accident, distraction and negligence are common causes. While tow truck drivers are professional, they aren’t immune to human nature and could cause an accident due to distraction.
  • Poor restraints: Tow trucks are responsible for hauling heavy cargo. If the cargo (disabled vehicles) is not stored properly, it can easily become dislodged during travel which may result in traffic obstruction and an accident. 
  • Inadequate vehicle maintenance: Tow trucks are complicated pieces of machinery. They have a lot of moving parts, and if not properly maintained or inspected, malfunctioning equipment may cause an accident. 

No matter what the case of the accident is, it’s important to work with a legal professional to get the help you need after a crash. 

The Importance of a Personal Injury Lawyer After a Tow Truck Accident

An accident often results in economic, physical, and emotional damages. If a tow truck becomes involved in an accident that already occurred, liability and the claims process can become more complicated. A truck accident lawyer in Phoenix can assist in determining whether you have a case by collecting the proper evidence and reports and negotiating on your behalf with insurance companies and other entities.  

If you or someone you know has been involved in an accident with a tow truck, contact us now for a free consultation. Our skilled team can help you navigate the investigation and claims process and ensure that your needs are represented fairly.